Modern Standard Urdu, is a standardized register of the Hindustani language. Urdu is historically associated with the Muslims of the region of Hindustan. It is the national language of Pakistan, and an official language of six Indian states and one of the 22 scheduled languages in the Constitution of India. Apart from specialized vocabulary, Urdu is mutually intelligible with Standard Hindi, which is associated with the Hindu community. The Urdu language received recognition and patronage under the British Raj when the British replaced the Persian and local official languages of North Indian states with the Urdu and English language in 1837.

With the help of this app you can learn Reading and writing URDU.
In this app there is a picture section for kids to understand the letters. this section is like URDU Kaida.
There is a game as well, where you drag and drop the alphabet to its right place on the board.

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